The most up-to-date information on the life of Steinbach United is in our weekly News and Notes emails. If you aren’t already receiving them, simply email us and we would be happy to send you the latest from Steinbach United Church.
The following are different ways you can get involved in our church community. These activities have our three priorities at heart:
Building Community, Growing Spiritually and Reaching Out.

Prayer Shawl
Compassion and the love of knitting and crocheting have been combined in a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice creating shawls for those in need of comfort, solace, celebration or joy. Each prayer shawl is lovingly knit or crocheted with the future receiver in mind, resulting in many blessings being prayed into every shawl. When someone receives a shawl, they find comfort in knowing that prayers are ‘woven’ into it.

Compost Bin
The city of Steinbach’s Compost Bin is supervised by volunteers from the Steinbach United Church. It is held on Saturdays from around mid-May to mid-October. It is an opportunity to engage with our church community and those from the wider community. It is an activity that helps us work towards our three priorities of Growing Spiritually, Building Community and Reaching Out. The compost bin also confirms our commitment of being good stewards of the environment.

Faith Studies
Faith exploration and fellowship intersect through meaningful conversations. These studies cover a diverse range of topics, including current issues and elements from different faith traditions. Various forms of media are used to present the topics of the study, including video and book resources. Previous studies have included Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith; The Bible and Homosexuality for Progressive Christians; The “I Am” statements. The studies are facilitated through guided discussions in an open and inclusive environment. Check out our Events page for the next Faith Study.

Men’s & Women’s Breakfasts
Building community is at the heart of both the Men’s and Women’s Breakfasts. Once a month, the groups gather separately at local restaurants to enjoy friendly conversation and meaningful discussions. All men and women are always welcome and encouraged to join in the breakfasts! Check out our Events page for the next Breakfast.

Church Community Garden
We are fortunate to have space for a garden behind our church. Seeds, plants and flowers are often donated. The Garden Season is usually from the last week in May to the end of September. We gather weekly to seed, plant and weed, allowing the produce to flourish. Check our Events page for dates and times. As veggies ripen, they are harvested and enjoyed by our volunteers, handed out after worship service and donated to the local Food Bank or Agape House. Not only do we all benefit from fresh veggies, but we also enjoy each other’s fellowship.

All Remarkable Kids is a Sunday school class for children between the ages of 3 and 12. Our classes are offered during the church service exploring teachings with age appropriate activities.

Young people in grades 7 to 12 are welcome to join our Youth program. Youth meet during the Sunday worship services, have opportunities to participate in outreach and volunteer activities and meet for fellowship.

Messy Church
Messy Church is a family-oriented theme-based event with hands on crafts, stories, songs and a free meal. We promise “messy” fun for the whole family! It is offered the 3rd Friday of September, November, February and April from 5:30 to 7:30p.m. We reach out to our extended church family and to those from the wider community. Messy Church is all over the world.
Remember to check out our Events page.