About Us

What We Do

Our Priorities

Steinbach United is a place for people to engage in the life and work of our community of faith, to grow individually and as a community. We focus on the three priorities of building community, growing spiritually and reaching out, ensuring clear and open communication and coordination. The ministry belongs to all of us!

If you would like to support the life and ministry of Steinbach United, here are ways you can donate.

Building Community

Our Building Community Team ensures ministry and fellowship with all, integrating all ages in the life and work of our community and bridging all generations. We recognize the importance of the community gathering for fun, conversation, worship, spiritual growth and outreach – all creating opportunities to connect and feel accepted.

Reaching inward as well as outward is important. Pastoral care provides many compassionate services to those in our church community. Someone in need of pastoral care may receive a phone call, a friendly visit, a card, a meal, a ride, a visit with the minister. We strive to include and welcome all in the life and work of the church, including those who are unable to leave their home, those in care homes or in the hospital, individuals who are suffering the loss of a loved one or going through a difficult time in their life, and those going through other extenuating circumstances.

Growing Spiritually

Our Growing Spiritually Team explores ways to create opportunities for the spiritual growth of our community of faith, through worship, study, conversation times, events, and activities. We look for ways to widen and deepen our understanding of who we are as people of faith, so we may live out that faith in our daily lives.

Worship is one avenue of growing spiritually, a time of faith formation as people engage in expressing and celebrating their faith. Our joint worship team plans challenging and inspiring services which leave us thinking and ready to make a difference in the world.  Studies and activities reflect our willingness to explore new ideas and concepts, while savouring the nuggets of truth in the old understandings of our faith, enabling growth. Our inclusive, affirming community of faith ensures that all belong, and are encouraged to participate.

Reaching Out

We live out our faith and vision through our support of various ministries and outreach programs and many congregation members are active leaders, volunteers and participants. Our Reaching Out Team works closely with local organizations such as: Soups On,  Steinbach Community Outreach, Agape House, Special Olympics, South East Helping Hands, enVision Community Living, Steinbach Family Resource Centre, Steinbach Neighbours For Community (LGBTTQI).

We also support national and global initiatives through the Mission and Service fund of the United Church of Canada. As part of reaching out, we are very intentional in making our facility available to many groups and non-profit organizations as we believe partnering with others builds community. We engage people through education and awareness, offer opportunities for all to be involved and prioritize inclusivity, compassion and spirituality.

Mission & Service

Your gifts to Mission & Service help people in need in Canada and around the world by providing access to food, housing, and employment support. Your generosity helps people develop new skills and access life-changing medical treatment and counselling. Your gifts help people live meaningfully and purposefully by supporting education opportunities, communities of faith, retreat centres, and more.

Steinbach United Church’s generous gifts to the M&S Fund help support over 450 partners and projects in Canada and around the world. For more information about the M&S Fund, visit The United Church of Canada’s Giving Opportunities page

You can help by donating to Steinbach United Church’s M&S Fund. Simply indicate “M&S” with your donation.

Resources & Links

Local Resources

Agape House

Soup’s On Steinbach

South East Helping Hands

enVision Community Living

Steinbach Family Resource Centre

Steinbach Neighbours For Community

Special Olympics Manitoba – Eastman Region

Manitoba Mental Health Crisis and Non-Crisis Regional Contacts

Other Links

Affirm United

United Church of Canada

Prairie to Pine Regional Council

West Broadway Community Organization

Kairos Canada: Faithful Action for Justice